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  • Disability Justice Advocacy Project | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 Connecting people with disability to legal assistance 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。 Speak with us Disability Legal Priority Phone Line If you are a person with disability and you need legal assistance, our priority line has been set up to support you. (08) 6383 7880 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday Location Where to find us We are located in offices in the Perth metro area as well as regional Western Australia. About the Project The project focus is on the development of formal referral pathways between disability service providers and WA community legal centres (CLCs). Early identification of (potential) legal issues and need for legal support allows a timely referrals for people with disability, First Nations People and young people at risk. We recognise the need for ongoing consultation with people with disability. Improving access to legal assistance for young people and First Nations Australians will ensure better outcomes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Western Australia currently imprisons Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People at a higher rate than any other Australian State. Furthermore, First Nations People are disproportionately over-represented in our prison system. The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability reports that: - 3% of the population are First Nations people. - 28% of prisoners were First Nations people. - At least 26% of First Nations people coming into prison reported having a disability. Our commitment to law reform and promoting social justice means that we must address these matters. We do this by supporting collaborative and formal referral pathways to specialist legal support for First Nations People. Youth at Risk 63% of children in detention were unsentenced whilst waiting for the outcome of their court matter or sentencing. Unfortunately, in Western Australia, the adult imprisonment rate was 29 persons per 10,000 adult population. 23 children (aged 10-17) per 10,000 are under supervision. 685 young people aged 10 and over were under youth justice supervision. 23 per 10,000 young people aged 10–17 were under supervision. 20 x young indigenous people were 20 times as likely as non-Indigenous young people to be under supervision. 59% of children under supervision aged 10–17 were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Compounding factors such as youth, indigenous status and disability need very tailored and dedicated whole-of-community responses in order to safeguard legal rights. We'd love to hear from you. We are interested in hearing from people with disability, who have experience with the legal system and need(ed) legal assistance. We are also interested in hearing from people, who work with people with disability. We would like to hear about your experiences of trying to assist a person with disability to find legal assistance. - I am a person with disability and I would like to offer my feedback about living with disability and getting legal help. - I work with people with disability and I would like to offer my feedback about trying to get legal help for people with disability. - I would like to offer my feedback about the Legal Health Check Tool. News and Events 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 To find out more about how we can support you, click the button below to go to our contact us page. Contact us This service is funded by the Department of Communities.

  • Jane's Farewell Sundowner | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 More About Sussex Street About Us

  • Community Education | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 Our Community Education Calendar is coming soon. You will be able to see our yearly events and how to get involved. For now, feel free to take a look at some of the education resources below. Victoria Park - Head Office Address: 29 Sussex Street East Victoria Park WA 6101 Services: Family law Civil law Minor criminal law Welfare rights Disability discrimination Tenant advocacy Individual disability advocacy Financial counselling Night legal service Mid-West Address: 114 Sandford Street Geraldton WA 6530 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Goldfields/ Esperance Address: 42 Wilson Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Great Southern Address: 4/15 Peels Place (next to Centrelink) Albany WA 6330 Delivered in partnership with Albany Community Legal Centre Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Perth Address: Irwin Chambers Level 2 16 Irwin St Perth WA 6000 Service: Advice for respondents to restraining orders Belmont Address: 213 Wright Street Cloverdale WA 6105 Services: Minor criminal law Family law Civil law Individual Disability Advocacy service NDIS appeals Armadale Address: 108 Jull Street (inside Church Café) Armadale WA 6112 Service: Financial Counselling To find out more about how we can help you, click the button below to see the different ways you can contact us. Contact us Close

  • Minor Criminal Law | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 Supporting people with minor criminal law problems 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。 Speak with us Victoria Park - Head Office Address: 29 Sussex Street East Victoria Park WA 6101 Services: Family law Civil law Minor criminal law Welfare rights Disability discrimination Tenant advocacy Individual disability advocacy Financial counselling Night legal service Mid-West Address: 114 Sandford Street Geraldton WA 6530 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Goldfields/ Esperance Address: 42 Wilson Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Great Southern Address: 4/15 Peels Place (next to Centrelink) Albany WA 6330 Delivered in partnership with Albany Community Legal Centre Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Perth Address: Irwin Chambers Level 2 16 Irwin St Perth WA 6000 Service: Advice for respondents to restraining orders Belmont Address: 213 Wright Street Cloverdale WA 6105 Services: Minor criminal law Family law Civil law Individual Disability Advocacy service NDIS appeals Armadale Address: 108 Jull Street (inside Church Café) Armadale WA 6112 Service: Financial Counselling Other services that might assist you: Residential Tenancy Financial Counselling and Wellbeing Welfare Rights Case studies and news from our minor criminal law service: 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 To find out more about how we can support you, click the button below to go to our contact us page. Contact us This service is funded by the Attorney-General's Department and The Law Society of Western Australia Public Purposes Trust.

  • VIS Sundowner February 2022 | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 To find out more about our internship, click below. Internship

  • Training | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 Training helps our community develop skills and capabilities. 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。 Speak with us


    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 建議和倡導 ABOUT US WHAT WE DO VISION & DIRECTION MANAGEMENT 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 To find out more about how we can assist you, click the button below to see the different ways you can contact us. Contact Us Close

  • Presentations | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 Presentations help our community develop skills, capabilities and understanding. 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。 Speak with us

  • Duty Lawyer Service | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 Our Duty Lawyer Service is based at the Perth Magistrates Court. 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。 Speak with us Victoria Park - Head Office Address: 29 Sussex Street East Victoria Park WA 6101 Services: Family law Civil law Minor criminal law Welfare rights Disability discrimination Tenant advocacy Individual disability advocacy Financial counselling Night legal service Mid-West Address: 114 Sandford Street Geraldton WA 6530 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Goldfields/ Esperance Address: 42 Wilson Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Great Southern Address: 4/15 Peels Place (next to Centrelink) Albany WA 6330 Delivered in partnership with Albany Community Legal Centre Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Perth Address: Irwin Chambers Level 2 16 Irwin St Perth WA 6000 Service: Advice for respondents to restraining orders Belmont Address: 213 Wright Street Cloverdale WA 6105 Services: Minor criminal law Family law Civil law Individual Disability Advocacy service NDIS appeals Armadale Address: 108 Jull Street (inside Church Café) Armadale WA 6112 Service: Financial Counselling Other services that might assist you: RESTORE 'Shuttle' Conferencing Service Family Law To find out more about how we can support you, click the button below to go to our contact us page. Contact us This service is funded by the Attorney-General's Department.

  • Night Legal Services | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 Supporting people with family law and civil law problems 建議和倡導 歡迎來到蘇塞克斯街社區法律服務 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。 Speak with us Victoria Park - Head Office Address: 29 Sussex Street East Victoria Park WA 6101 Services: Family law Civil law Minor criminal law Welfare rights Disability discrimination Tenant advocacy Individual disability advocacy Financial counselling Night legal service Mid-West Address: 114 Sandford Street Geraldton WA 6530 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Goldfields/ Esperance Address: 42 Wilson Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Great Southern Address: 4/15 Peels Place (next to Centrelink) Albany WA 6330 Delivered in partnership with Albany Community Legal Centre Services: Individual disability advocacy NDIS appeals Disability Royal Commission advocacy Perth Address: Irwin Chambers Level 2 16 Irwin St Perth WA 6000 Service: Advice for respondents to restraining orders Belmont Address: 213 Wright Street Cloverdale WA 6105 Services: Minor criminal law Family law Civil law Individual Disability Advocacy service NDIS appeals Armadale Address: 108 Jull Street (inside Church Café) Armadale WA 6112 Service: Financial Counselling Other services that might assist you: Civil Law Financial Counselling and Wellbeing Family Law Case studies and news from our Night Legal Service: 此語言尚未有已發佈之文章 文章發佈後將於此處顯示。 To find out more about how we can support you, click the button below to go to our contact us page. Contact us This service is funded by The Law Society of Western Australia Public Purposes Trust.

  • Copyright | SSCLS

    為所有西澳大利亞人提供法律諮詢和殘疾宣傳 建議和倡導 歡迎來到 SSCLS。很高興向您介紹我們的非營利非政府社區組織,自 1978 年以來,該組織為社區中的低收入人群提供負責任、非判斷性和有效的法律和社會服務。 我們很高興和興奮您加入我們,我們相信您會喜歡我們所做的寶貴工作以及您將在蘇塞克斯街獲得的體驗。

  • Accessibility | SSCLS

    Accessibility Measures to support accessibility We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We are actively working toward increasing the accessibility and usability of our website and in doing so adhere to many of the available standards and guidelines. This website endeavours to conform to level Double-A of the World Wide Web Consortium W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 . These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities. Conformance with these guidelines will help make the web more user-friendly. Sussex Street Community Law Service takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of our services: Provide continual accessibility training for our staff Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods Conformance status The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) define requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Sussex Street Community Law Service is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard. Additional accessibility considerations Although our goal is WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance, we have also applied some Level AAA Success Criteria: Images of text are only used for decorative purposes. Re-authentication after a session expires, does not cause loss of data. Some videos have sign language interpretation. Feedback We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Sussex Street Community Law Service. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Sussex Street Community Law Service via phone: (08) 6253 9500 via E-mail: in person: 29 Sussex Street, East Victoria Park, WA 6101 via mail: Locked Bag 2 East Victoria Park, WA, 6981 via: Website Feedback Online Form We try to respond to feedback within one business day. Technical specifications Accessibility of Sussex Street Community Law Service relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer: HTML WAI-ARIA CSS JavaScript SMIL These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used. Limitations and alternatives Whilst we strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website. Despite our best efforts to ensure the accessibility of Sussex Street Community Law Service, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below. Known limitations for Sussex Street Community Law Service: Comments from users: Uploaded images may not have text alternatives because we cannot ensure the quality of contributions. We monitor user comments and typically repair issues within ten business days. Please use the ‘website feedback’ button if you encounter an issue. Assessment approach Sussex Street Community Law Service assessed the accessibility of our services by the following approaches: Self-evaluation External evaluation Date This statement was created on 15 December 2022. UserWay is embedded in this website to improve accessibility. For greater accessibility, we have installed the UserWay application. UserWay assists our website users to make our information more accessible regardless of browser settings, individual assistance technology or other aids. You can find out more about UserWay here. Where possible use an up-to-date browser By using an up-to-date browser (the program you use to access the internet), you will have access to a much richer set of options to aid you navigate around this website. The standard browsers we would recommend are below with links to install each of them: Firefox Chrome Safari (Mac only) Internet Explorer Edge Once installed, each browser will bring its own selection of accessibility options and may allow further options via the use of plug-ins. For more details see the Accessibility page for each one: Firefox Chrome Safari (Mac only) Internet Explorer Edge Keyboard Short Cuts / Access Keys Different browsers use different keystrokes to activate access key shortcuts, as shown below: Options in your browser Most modern browsers share the most common accessibility tools. Here is a list of useful features: Incremental Search Incremental search allows you to progressively search a web page for a particular word or phrase on a page. To enable this on your browser, press and hold Ctrl/Command and then tap F. This will open a box to type your search into. As you type, the matches will be highlighted on the page for you. Spatial Navigation Hitting tab will jump you to each of the items you can interact with on any page. Holding the SHIFT key and then pressing tab will take you to the previous item. Caret Navigation (Internet Explorer and Firefox only) Instead of using a mouse to select text and move around within a webpage, you can use standard navigation keys on your keyboard: Home, End, Page Up, Page Down & the arrow keys. This feature is named after the caret or cursor, that appears when you edit a document. To turn this feature on, press the F7 key at the top of your keyboard and choose whether to enable the caret on the tab you are viewing or all your tabs. Space bar Pressing the space bar on a web page will move the page you are viewing down to the next visible part of the page. Text fonts Depending on your browser, you can override all fonts on the site to one that is easier for you to read. Options can be found in your browser's settings/preferences. Change Font in Firefox Change Font in Chrome Change Font in Safari Change Font in Internet Explorer Change Font in Edge Enlarge your view You can activate the browser zoom via these keyboard shortcuts Zoom in Firefox Zoom in Chrome Zoom in Safari Zoom in Internet Explorer Zoom in Edge To zoo m your entire computer screen Apple Mac and Windows operating system both contain options to enlarge your view of your screen: Windows Apple OS X Make your computer read the site aloud This website has been built with screen readers in mind. Menus, pictures and inputs will have the correct tags and mark up to compliment your chosen screen reader. We have tested with following tools: NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) is a free screen reader for computers running on the Windows operating system. The latest version can be downloaded for FREE here (You may be asked for a voluntary donation on their website. If you do not wish to donate, click "skip donation this time".) WAVE is developed and made available as a free community service by WebAIM. Originally launched in 2001, WAVE has been used to evaluate the accessibility of millions of web pages. Read more here . Microsoft Windows Narrator is available in most versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems and reads text on the screen aloud and describes events like error messages so you can use your PC without a display. To find out more and how to enable it on your version, please click here . Control your computer with your voice Apple Mac and Windows operating systems both provide ways to control your computer with voice recognition: Windows Apple OS X Third party voice recognition software is available too. In summary We are committed to providing you access to our most valuable resources. If you do spot something that does not look right or have any suggestions for how we might improve our services, then please let us know .

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