Sussex Street Community Law Service provides a NSDS accredited advocacy services to people with disabilities, their family members and carers.
It is an independent, free and confidential service to people in the regional areas of the Mid-West, Goldfields/Esperance and the Great Southern areas of Western Australia.
In partnership with UnitingCare West, Sussex Street provides advocacy services to people living in the Towns of Vincent and Cambridge and the Cities of Stirling, Wanneroo and Joondalup.
The IDAS program uses a broad definition of disability which includes:
Physical conditions
Behavioural conditions
Psychiatric conditions
Mental illness
Emotional conditions
Medical conditions
Neurological conditions
and others
The service provides
Information on your rights, your options and on available services and resources
Referral to an agency or service in your area
One-to-one support to work with you to deal with your problems
Training to show you how to deal with issues for yourself
This can be in areas such as
Financial matters
Employment or training
Sport or recreation access
Neglect or abuse
and many others
How to contact IDAS
For initial inquiries 1300 648 655 TTY 9470 2831 Email
To find out more about IDAS, click below.
This service is funded as part of the Australian Network of Disability Advocacy Services, funded by the Department of Social Services.