Assistance Dog and Access to Premises
A client was refused access to public transport because they had an assistance dog, which was approved by the Department of Local Government. The disability discrimination unit (DDU) corresponded with the respondent directly with a good outcome for our client and included community education in disability discrimination training and assistance dogs.
Unfortunately, we continue to see many complaints in the area of education despite the final report 2021 recommendations by the Australian Government regarding the use of the disability standards for education in educational institutions.
Students with disability are continued to be suspended from schools for long periods of time which ultimately has a detrimental impact on the student and their family.
A child with multiple medical conditions was suspended and then unenrolled because the faith-based school did not have the staff resources. DDU lodged a complaint into the Australian Human Rights Commission, and the complaint was settled in a case conciliation conference.
Employee with a disability refused access to workplace
A client was refused entry to a workplace following an out-of-work injury. The client was not permitted to work and had no income. The employer delayed any return-to-work medical assessments and decision to re-enter the workplace to resume employment.
The client had already lodged a complaint in the Equal Opportunity Commission and following a case conciliation conference, a successful outcome was reached for the client.